Monday, July 16, 2007

Friday Night by the Numbers

1. Number of adults present: 6
2. Number of kids present: 5 (whew, they did not outnumber us)
3. Number of drinks consumed by the adults: 16
4. Number of chilis the kids tasted: 2
5. Number of times the kids fell while climbing the door frames: 5
6. Number of times Aunt Elizabeth fussed at the kids for climbing the door frames: 5
7. Number of times GK said "baby": 1,218
8. Number of times GK said "ball": 1,104
9. Number of times RJA pestered Click about taking pictures: 3
10. Number of frozen bananas in Click's freezer: 27

1 comment:

Stacey Greenberg said...

what's up with all of the frozen bananas?