Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Lingering Aches and Pains from Tuesday Night Rollerderby Practice

1. Blister on the underside of my right big toe due primarily to the "Pyramid of Pain": 3 laps, 6 laps, 9 laps, 12 laps, 9 laps, 6 laps, 3 laps. That is a lot of pushing off with my right big toe.
2. Slight stiffness in my right knee due to odd, unexpected fall (all the other ones were normal and expected - seriously), complicated by the fact that I irritated the back of same knee at Sunday morning practice.
3. Sore shoulders. Why? I don't know - they are always sore after practice.
4. Bruised hand. My wristguards give me bruises. (Mom, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I wear 2 wristguards on each hand for extra safety!)
5. Red, itchy eyes. I guess I will attribute that to wearing contacts, though I don't think the red itchiness should have lasted this long. Maybe one of those little rollerderby kids gave me pinkeye. If I find out who did it I'm totally kicking his mom's ass!


Stacey Greenberg said...

considering my condition, it wouldn't be a fair fight!

Memphis Urban Sketchers said...

no it wouldn't - with your bionic leg you definitely have the advantage!

Anonymous said...

And what are you doing to protect your beautiful smile?

Memphis Urban Sketchers said...

mouth guard. big, ugly mouth guard.