Thursday, August 12, 2010

Contents of the World's Most Useless First Aid Kit

Or, Why I Hope to Never Get Hurt at Work:
  1. latex gloves
  2. two 2" x 3" non-adherent pads
  3. box of 3" x 4" non-adherent bandages
  4. scissors
  5. tweezers
  6. surgical sponges
  7. eye pad
  8. burn ointment
  9. one 36" x 36" x 51" triangular bandage


Mel Spillman artwork said...

no vodka? no matches? no pills? no fun!

Lauren Rae Holtermann said...

36" x 36" x 51" triangular bandage? To cover what? Your entire head? If you have a wound large enough to merit that size bandage, I would recommend skipping the dinky first aid kit and hitting up the ER.